New player impression

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kronopost, Sep 14, 2019.

  1. kronopost

    kronopost New Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I just want to give my impression as a returning player after more than 10 years.
    I discovered a new game, but not better than the older version.
    I had luck to get some good items to sell with monthly attendance but I don't think new players will stay on the game.
    The game has been made for the end game player not a bad idea but the low and mid level experience is really bad.
    All start with one thing, the skills are not upgradable. Seriously on acclaim time it was well balanced, we could get to c5-6 easily then it was harder but not impossible. Now the recast is higher on most of them and the c1 exp is like c11 since then and worse after.
    I managed to get IM5, grinding, going to dungeon in red run solo or with a friend. My smashes are c1 and one c2, my active is only c3. I spend months, literally, to make my buff c9 and there are too much to keep leveling. I played my char only 10% or less of the time he's online, just to be up to date with my buff.
    Seriously this is not what a game should be. We play for fun...
    Then VE problems, so yeah, as low levels, until we meet a healer with pt leech or have really high gear we have to play with..... clan base active.... Wow, then just don't give skill at all.
    What about advanced med/step I broke my money at low level for nothing they are just not competitive with role step/med lol
    I don't want to speak about events, that are not made for the entire community and not about the war that most of black clan leave or white clan is a bit too powered. I went there once, the overlords spawned, not had time to get to white one the black was dead.

    By the way, I wonder how people have to sell maxi xXXX pills. I don't remember but that's just insane, I had x10 past months but with the recast on the buff that's just useless. I heared about a trick to cut recast, I have no doubt with that level of difficulty that players have to find a way to catch player that had pills to get c12 in a couple of hours and now we have to train months to get only c10 on buff... not skills.... 5min recasting skill with a 30min pill, that is a waste.
  2. BirdbrainX

    BirdbrainX Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Really? My actives and smashes were always keeping up with my char levels. The trick is to use kungfu skill trainer books to multiply the effects of using skills, and also to constantly use them as you grind.

    I'm guessing you didn't make it a point to get clothes with life/ve leech. I've made a guide recently, and in it, I mentioned a few ways for new players get ve leech early on so they can sustain their grinds.

    Advanced clan med/steps are more for the speedier life/ve recovery when you meditate. You can choose to use the role med/steps for better bonuses, but those have a higher ve cost per tick. If you have adequate ve leech from your gear, you can choose to use them instead.

    Characters can only achieve cheng 10 on their skills once they hit HG 9.

    The most efficient way to train your skills is during weekend events with the x2 or x3 kungfu skill xp bonus, multiplied with kungfu skill trainer books or Honor Student cards we get from daily rewards, and with a kungfu xp pill x9. Even if you don't have or can't afford a kungfu xp pill, you can still train your skills with just the event skill xp bonus + kungfu skill trainer books.

    As for the recast time, you'll need gear or healer buffs to improve it, thus making your skill training more efficient.
  3. kronopost

    kronopost New Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, I did a few times, but hey x5 kung fu, 30min later still c1, nearly constant use of them as healer.

    Saw that guide, my warr is on SCM epic clothes and no. Without my healer leech I can't use my active and even with the 2/1000 buff (FC level) and pt leech I can't keep up with smash.

    Yes that's the point. But they should be equivalent to last role based med/step. The step is useless atm but I agree with the med about the recovery.

    Well actually HG12 right. I get the point about it is no use to have the skill maxed in a couple of minutes but hey. I'm training all day and night since I created this char. And managed to max out 12 of 21 buff/heal.

    Right I keep my honor student and x3 book for the weekend event. I can't afford x9 kung fu exp skill yet. Wasting my time to train to have higher survival chance in dungeon.

    Yeah I actually have the Icy plate that helps a lot and recast buff is on progress ;)

    I wasn't saying that the game is really bad. But we feel like it's pointless to upgrade skills as it takes ages.
    At least we should be able to go c3 easier and not have to waste an even with training. I played a few by week-end then had to stop for 1 or 2 week to train my buff.
    I didn't saw where to get thoses x9 kung fu exp pill and they are out of price for a fresh start without anyone who is giving out money.
    I feel the game is broken for the beginner/intermediate levels and this is where it lost players.
    I just have to look on my friend list or master list. Most of new players don't keep up (no money for gear, no player on lower map so no pt to do dungeon to get gear).

    The game is fun I wont keep playing if not but starting from scratch is the worst.
  4. BirdbrainX

    BirdbrainX Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Yup, When I grind with the active/smashes I want on train on my new char, I always have a couple of kungfu skill trainer books on hand for the duration of my session. It takes time to train your skills, and unlike buffs which you can go afk and use autotrainer for them, active skills, smashes, and nukes require your presence to get those trained.

    Oh? I've recently gotten a league mate of mine the superior VoH clothes with dual leech stats. She doesn't have much in the way of dmg output - using True Dragon dagger + CoF & VoH dungeon plate with her new clothes. She appears to be doing well enough with it to sustain her grinds. Its strange that you weren't able to do the same.

    The trick for life/ve leech is to also have sufficient damage output. The more damage you can do, the more you leech back to sustain your grinds. However, if you turn on your role med/steps, the increased ve drain from them might be a little too much for your leech to compensate.

    I suppose the advanced clan med/steps fulfill different functions. I use all three different types of med/steps depending on the situation even at IS 2.

    My bad. You're correct, I meant HG 12. :p

    Oh? I maxed out all my healer buffs over the course of a single x3 weekend with the help of two to three x9 xp kungfu pills combined with x5 xp honor student card. I also made it a point to keep my buffs and heals caught up at each character/skill cap. I've even managed to push some of my traps up to cheng 8s and 9s. I made it a point to only use kungfu pill once I hit HG 12 and can max out my skills with autotrainer.

    While its true that not everyone has access or can afford kungfu pills, you just gotta accept that it takes longer to train those skills without them.

    I made it a point to teach new players, especially those in my league or one of my disciples the game/gear progression. Its also the reason why I made the guide and encouraged them to look for masters and join bands. Older players know the hardships when starting from scratch, so some of them are likely to offer a helping hand. Having a group to chat with during your grinds, when you have questions about the game, or simply to joke around is what I find most enjoyable. :)
  5. kronopost

    kronopost New Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oh well, I will see later on. Maybe I will manage to level up my kung fu when I'll have enough money for that x9 pill.
    I just want to notice a thing. I have a smash Plum Flower Dagger Attack 5minutes cd decreased to 3.5min with buff and plate. It takes 0.01% at c1, with a x3 event and x3 book (this month honor student are x2 only and I used my x5 with event on training buff) it takes 0.09 at best every 3.5min so it's a total of less than 0.9% per book.
    It's only c1. That's what I wanted to discuss about more than VE problems. The exp doesn't match the recast.

    I don't know about white side but black is deserted noone on the maps. Finding help is not that easy.

    About your last point, yes chatting is enjoyable but have a good char to help/ do not being a noob in dungeon is enjoyable too.
  6. BirdbrainX

    BirdbrainX Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Why would you ever want to level Plum Flower? o_O

    Basically if its a "charged" attack smash, I would skip it entirely. Just so you know, not every skill is worth learning from the clan base kungfu trainer. Much less leveling it.

    I don't know which server you're on, so I can't weigh in on the population issue. But here on Yin server, there are more black clan players than white clan players. But it is a known fact that lower level maps have lesser people running around. That's mainly because most choose not to grind on maps, but in dungeons instead. However, there are trade-offs in doing so, but I will not discuss them here. Let's just say it comes down to the player's chosen playstyle.
  7. kronopost

    kronopost New Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yes I want that's a nice one.. nice bleeding with mastery upgrade stuns and distance kun fu the only one I have. Might be a saver from different situations.
    Also I do know that some skills are pointless depending on play style ;)

    Yeah right we can't force people to grind when we see how fast is the leveling in dungeons. And it makes lower maps a desert but every maps instead of Kunlun are a desert sadly.
    I'm on Tao server and black clan players are rare. I barely managed to get an active master that isn't anymore and can't find a proper Band to join. In Hefei most of players are afk so it's not that easy to find someone to talk with. ;)
  8. Alys2

    Alys2 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    seems u need alot of help?did you ask any1?did you look at the forums?many toons here will help any1 if just ask in map! dont down play this awesome game better then Aclaim ever, we are all equal now thanks to RedFox!
  9. kronopost

    kronopost New Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well I was just pointing out the difficulty of a new start with no money. Without plates you just have to forgot to be usefull at mid level. They cost nearly 1.5b not affordable for a new player except having some luck on the monthly reward. I am thanks full of the pet event it made me able to buy the plates. It's not in my habits to beg for help and I don't really need some.
    It was jsut that I often read that servers are dying and were pointing some issues.
    All the content is for HG.
    CCD red to make money (high HG) and on Tao at least, no money no stuff.
    Money seems to be also the key to up kung fu.
    Events are for HG+.

    I know it's important to give end game content. But the rest of the community is forgotten and there is no equality there.
  10. BirdbrainX

    BirdbrainX Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    You have to understand that not everyone is willing to slow grind their way upwards to HG. I have personally experienced both modes of character leveling, and I prefer slow grinds more because I can harvest weapon drops for gold - especially on the Tibet map.

    Its unfortunate that you're facing this problem on Tao, given that it has a larger population than Yin. While the black clans do appear to outnumber the white clans here on Yin, there are still active players, masters, and bands on both sides.
  11. Trollamite

    Trollamite Active Member

    Nov 28, 2018
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    I'm active. What's you ign. I'll message you.
  12. kronopost

    kronopost New Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah sure. That's not a bad thing to have multiple way of leveling. That's not what I wanted to discuss about.
    I think it's just sad that there isn't anyone anymore on maps. Well indeed if there was, there is not enough mobs on spot.

    Anyway my aim was that all the content was think for the HG++ and nothing is made for beginner/intermediate level.
    And in my point of view that's where the game lost the new players. Not the fault to the community.

    I'm on Pupuce most of the time. Might be afk training or so.

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