[Official Discussion/Poll]Classic Mode

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheFuzionBranz, Mar 6, 2019.


What do you want for CLASSIC MODE

  1. Items up to OGP without Rares(Top 10 allowed)

  2. Stat limit

  3. Disactivated Revives

  4. Limited Pouch items

  5. Selectable items with Rares auto-banned

  6. Disable Avalons

  7. As is with improve rotations

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. TheFuzionBranz

    TheFuzionBranz Wiki Creator & Manager, Scroll Masters Finalist

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Since this post attracted such attention and ideas; I will make it slightly more proffesional and more of a contribution to the community.

    I would put: Are you happy with Classic Mode ; However we know the quick awnser to that, No.

    The current idea of it is that its "Rotating game mode" with different items every month. Its a great concept, But not as is. With it allowing all Beta-Time items (Carat scrolls up until Koroshu/Jeet) and 2 others like ValeTudo and Azteca. Same thing with exocore.

    This will promote the purchases of unused/unpopular items, But once the rotation is up; You won't touch them. This as an idea, Will die. People will just play normal modes. In a way there are no OP's, But then again you need to pay or use rediculously low tier scrolls. We dont want to be using D tiers with like 2 A tiers available just to avoid OP's.

    Scroll List for Classic Mode:
    -Mach Knuckle
    -Mao Gong
    -Combat Sambo
    -Infinite Ninjitsu
    -Lucha Libre
    -Red Scorpion
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2019
    bigboy060, PerroLoco and SkitRf like this.
  2. bigboy060

    bigboy060 Member

    Aug 1, 2017
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    I agree branz, since when hitman and shootboxing not classic? df
    SkitRf likes this.
  3. WhoYu

    WhoYu Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Are you not pleased?
    Isn't this what we wanted?
    Getting rid of the "OP" content that is "unbeatable"?

    Hitman and Shoot are top 10 for a reason.
    You guys need to adjust and meet red fox/nimonix half way at this point, cause this is as good as it gets coming from the almighty Nimonix.
  4. LisyBusy

    LisyBusy New Member

    Dec 20, 2017
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    Honestly it's kind of a failure because there's many items in classic mode that shouldn't be banned. They should just allow the creator of the room to ban any items they would like before making the room so that no one can change it to start to troll other players. That way players have less to complain about.
  5. TheFuzionBranz

    TheFuzionBranz Wiki Creator & Manager, Scroll Masters Finalist

    Mar 4, 2016
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    We all know how this will end. See that precision channel nobody has started a room in for months? That too was another waste of time. Its very well possible I don't own noxia for example and its allowed, Along with many other items. But I really do not understand where the logic was focused at? Take a look at what I see when opening this

    • Azteca is allowed, In no way considered classic on a timeline with other allowed scrolls and is pretty high tier in one on one situations as well as hitting multiple players.
    • Vale tudo is allowed, Which is far away from being as good as azteca.It is YEARS OLDER making it an actual classic.
    • Mach Knuckle still doesn't follow any sort of timeline.
    • Chrono Phaser is allowed, Which is pretty recent and not classic at all? While people who did not buy that specific item will be using the likes of Heavens fist, Mecha Strike or Invincible fist if they have them?
    • Shamans aren't in the original release of RF, Plus if you use them you have no exocores really available to them besides the default one. Its classic to the point you can use it, but not have an exocore for them besides default.
    • Androids aren't int he original release of RF, Still not seeing any of my exocores available.
    • Maps are just as available
    • No limit to stats, Pouch items, Avalons, etc.

    It doesn't follow a timeline, It doesn't follow a specific moment of Rumble Fighter. There seems to be more focus on the older days when it comes to items, But that isn't a strict condition cause several newer ones are allowed.

    It doesn't follow a specific Rating of items, Because in no world is Martial Art Soul on the level of Chrono Phaser but not any other exocores. Same goes for Allowing Azteca and not a top 10 scroll.

    Nimonix honnestly has no clue about their very own game. They do not host events, They do not spectate and evaluate the game. They do not constantly listen to players. They literatly have to do an event that they only awnser specific questions of winners. At best they could record data and see how many scrolls have been used how many times to gather data, But even then they do not do it.

    The top 10 box was formed without any logic. It was money finishing. It was never modifier, It never progressed with the game. They switched the servers, People lost their accounts or simply did not have everything in the game. They baited them into boxes just for popular items that have been purchased alot.

    Rage, ZinKarate, Hitman, Shootboxing, BWN and ZinTKD are very well made scrolls. However if you take a highly praised scroll like Dragon, Its not on the same level for various reasons. Then you dig further and look at Stinger, Lightning and Wing Chun? They are good, Slow outside of 1v1. They have stun and a stressing combo to block; However in no way are they a match for the rest of the stuff in the box. So many scrolls could have been added also. Akido, Azteca, Electro, Redemption, Agent, White Fang, so on.

    Waste of a kiddy script IMO
    WhoYu likes this.
  6. SkitRf

    SkitRf Active Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I got on and now I’m upset. Was hoping I can use shoot hitman zin tkd etc. I can only use 2 scrolls.... it’s probably a way for them to continue making money
    whatatime likes this.
  7. TheFuzionBranz

    TheFuzionBranz Wiki Creator & Manager, Scroll Masters Finalist

    Mar 4, 2016
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    lmao buy these specific old exocores n scrolls just 4 classic <--- Nimonix

    Dead ass put azteca there cause its underrated and nobody ever buys it
  8. Kurama

    Kurama Active Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    Yeah they D/A wasted their time with this one once again.. Nimonix doesn't even care to even make a POLL to give us options to choose what we want in the next update. They are really destroying their own game..
  9. PerroLoco

    PerroLoco Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Nimonix is new gen. They cannot do the properly for da classic mode. They are new motherfucka gen

    Just like @KingxD i 3-0ed
    ToulueVang likes this.
  10. xenlyiin

    xenlyiin Active Member

    Nov 16, 2016
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    anyone know the items from the event?
  11. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    I just wanted to clarify some things :

    • We are actually getting a revamped version of the Classic Mode. The old Classic Mode was toggle-able in rooms I believe. The current version that was implemented is a REBOOT of the original mode.
    • Scroll Restrictions : 24 Scrolls including Azteca, Mach Knuckle, Taekwondo & Vale Tudo
    • Exocore Restrictions : 36 Exocores including Sheep's Cry, Thunderstorm Charger & Chrono Phaser

    The Scroll & Exocore Restrictions are supposed to swap out every month. Our current rotation will remain until April 2nd.
  12. Awaky

    Awaky Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    we wouldn't need a classic mode if they wouldve fking nerf all the bull sht items....
    KingNaveed likes this.
  13. Lephantis

    Lephantis Active Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    Wouldn't work. Every time the RM changes, the rules would be changed. It would take like 2 minutes to start the next game every time a game ends. And before that time even elapses, RM would be kicked by the AFK timer.
  14. TheFuzionBranz

    TheFuzionBranz Wiki Creator & Manager, Scroll Masters Finalist

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Still seems doodoo. So its basically a rotating game mode to get players to buy into time specific items so they can participate at that rotation. Nobody buys these out-dated items anymore hence this is a way to bait them into doing so.

    So once it re-rotates, You won't be using that useless item. Then again, you need to cross your fingers that this mode survives.

    Plus this rotation lacks any sense of logic
    WhoYu likes this.
  15. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    You do make a good point. I believe [GM]Toast said that they are looking for feedback regarding the Classic Mode. If it does need to be tweaked and the community shows disinterest in how the mode’s current state is, it can be tweaked.
    bigboy060 likes this.
  16. TheFuzionBranz

    TheFuzionBranz Wiki Creator & Manager, Scroll Masters Finalist

    Mar 4, 2016
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    They should just make a Rotating game mode in such case... This is beta release with the option of buying azteca and chrono phaser to have best advantage, With Vale tudo being bait.

    An actual lobby creation with a Classic option with no rares and pre GC items would fufuill the name
    bigboy060 likes this.
  17. WhoYu

    WhoYu Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2018
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    I see you what you mean.
    You expected Rumble Fighter Classic to go back to season 2 or season 1 before the recycle/broken era.

    But I think what they meant is, basic scrolls and exos / No Guard Breaks / No top 10 ten / No BFE/RE/SE/Blah blah blah. The point im trying to say is, this is how they view the game as "Not Overpowered" or "Fair For Everyone" which I can obviously see what you mean, they probably just failed to consult with the community first or probably this is what GF players like and Nimonix listen to then instead of us, their cash cows.

    And to be honest this whole thing sounds horrible by what starberry just said. Not what I expected as well. Lmao

    Just read the sig
  18. bigboy060

    bigboy060 Member

    Aug 1, 2017
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  19. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    @TheFuzionBranz would need to make a poll on this thread, as he is the thread starter.
  20. bigboy060

    bigboy060 Member

    Aug 1, 2017
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