how to for gourdies -how to undead RF-

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Mockery, Jun 6, 2016.


the revival project

  1. im on board captain

    10 vote(s)
  2. no to this AND to pegging

    2 vote(s)
  1. Mockery

    Mockery Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    im not offering new players any support
    theyre on their own
    but what they would have is the amatuer channel
    with a rise in new players the lesser channels can make a come back
    those channels are crucial breeding grounds for new players
    a big reason why new players dont stay is because of a lack of peers of equal skill
    if i were a completely new player and i had to jump right into free channel
    id quit after three games
    we NEED new players
    there is no future without them
    LockBanFlag likes this.
  2. LockBanFlag

    LockBanFlag Active Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    I should really start a guild specifically for that, anyone else is welcome to join that guild to help actual new players out.
    Mockery likes this.
  3. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Bruh. I wanna see the new players :< I would like to get them to be my pet af. :>
    BJJFromGJJ and LockBanFlag like this.
  4. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    veterans dressed as alts

    It's the one reason why I personally played in the Free channel instead, when I was just a beginner. Nhaa rooms are the most inviting in the free channel, and I feel it's the most popular way to blend into the community.

    Then once I got comfortable, Nhaa becomes less of a thing to me, and I got into the serious side of things.
    BJJFromGJJ and LockBanFlag like this.
  5. Comoros

    Comoros Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Okay, then indicate that in the original post. But even then, those are weak as RF fits a very small niche. College and uni public boards are usually never looked at, at least where I go. The places that matter to have things posted have to be approved by student engagement, and good luck getting a petty game approval. Public libraries are not only a dying breed, but whenever I needed to to a public library, I needed to do it for research or academia. Entertainment has evolved so much that the library would probably be the last place to go for that. Arcades are also a dying thing. That and highschool campuses are like the only good place to ad these in, but a high school, egh. I dont even know what a teen block party is.

    Anyway, even to the gamer, RF isn't the greatest looking game. You have to have certain tastes to like this game.
    Shana and LockBanFlag like this.
  6. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Yeah gaming has evolved to the point where people only look for the best looking games. Rumble Fighter will need to do more than just advertisements.

    Rumble Fighter is appealing to me because of its combat system, but it's getting ruined by bugs and stuff. I personally think it's the bugs that are holding it back.
  7. Mockery

    Mockery Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    yes some of the outlets are dying
    but it doesnt mean theyre fully outdated
    i cant pretend to know what its like in your exact community
    so i wont
    for every individual its going to be different
    but that doesnt mean there isnt a location they can think of
    i could go on and on about locations near me that would be perfect
    but that would mean nothing to you as we are worlds apart

    instead its the "very small niche" ill speak for
    ive been around on this game since the start
    ive met the vast majority of its player base
    ive even lurked the forums since day one
    yes there is a "type" that rumble fighter attracts
    but the majority is not the totality
    this game has seen all sorts of players
    the diversity shows when you stop throwing them off the edge and speak to them
    so no
    we are not just attracting a small group of people
    this game has a unique quality that has rarely been touched on let alone taken flight
    others will come
    just like we have
    and if given the chance
    they will stay
    tamirtov and LockBanFlag like this.
  8. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    A lot of people are exposed to Overwatch at this point. I feel the game's hype will take away any possible hype RuF has left. FPS games have the allure of attracting everyone, instead of fighting games. People like how simple the FPS can be, when all you need to do is have the enemy under the hitmarker and shoot.

    Fighting games are known to be difficult-to-master games and carries the image of a hardcore playerbase.
    I find that most of the community that play this game have roots to martial arts, or appreciate fighting games in general.
    LockBanFlag likes this.
  9. Sugar

    Sugar Active Member

    May 13, 2016
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    Well when we did have the other channels we had the deranking bullies who picked on noobs anyways :I
    LockBanFlag and Shana like this.
  10. LockBanFlag

    LockBanFlag Active Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    I belong in the newbie channel
  11. Mockery

    Mockery Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    thats the most true statement any one has said ever
    overwatch HAS taken me over
    i havnt touched rf in daaays
    shooters arnt for every one though
    just...7 million aparently....
    doesn't mean we just give up and die
    LockBanFlag likes this.
  12. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    For me, I'm just going to play while it's still up.

    9 years is a long time for such a game, and I feel that any time left is just enough for me. I said I quit in GC, but now I'm back to give it another chance.

    It's all up to Nimonix at this point. I'm convinced that a lot of threads we made concerning the state of the game have been only considered, but haven't been addressed. So I'm just waiting for the changes to happen
    LockBanFlag likes this.
  13. Mockery

    Mockery Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    im with you completely
    but i dont want to sit around for "evitable end"
    so if nimonix isnt going to do any thing no matter how much we rattle our bars
    then we have to
    which is why i wrote this long winded thing
    it takes little to no effort from nimonix
    literally all they have to do is thumbs up it
    then the publisher would handle the rest
    as far as publishers go
    i have hope in this one
  14. Stimuli

    Stimuli Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2016
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    Spam pewdiepie channel with "plz play Rumble fighter XD" comments.

    If he plays the community will triple overnight :>

    crisis averted
    tamirtov, LockBanFlag and Shana like this.
  15. Mockery

    Mockery Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    id rather fly to cali and axe all the servers
    tamirtov and Stimuli like this.
  16. TrollSenpai

    TrollSenpai Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    the reason this game stays buggy and the developers, who can advertise online, dont do that, is because the player base isnt big enough. they have no incentive to fix things quicker and make the game more balanced. although this game is buggy, it isnt unplayable. newcomers will come just out of curiosity and stay due to the addictive nature of the game, like we did during the days of ogp. a larger player base first, will lead to more change. more change first however will not lead to a larger player base. the increase in playerbase HAS to happen first, if it doesnt happen in that order, all that will do is make the game better for those of us who arent leaving anyways. that would be a waste of time and effort for the developers. this revival idea is a very good one. a larger fanbase=a larger complaining fanbase=a larger money pool for developers to please. your logic is understandable, but its also the reason the playerbase isnt increasing, your opinions seep into the minds of people who read what you type, however wrong/right it may be, and causes those people to not want to recommend this game to people, because people like you are saying how bad it is, when it really isnt a bad game
  17. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    If you look at games like Evony, where it focuses a lot on advertising, but it didn't deliver. This is the case I stand by for Rumble Fighter. Rumble Fighter is not ready to advertise yet, since its current state is not something to be proud about. Any loyal player would agree that this game has problems, and there's no hiding it.

    As you already know, the game is run by word-of-mouth, a way of advertising already. This is what Rumble Fighter survives on: Word-of-mouth. If there's good word from the players, the players will come.

    The saying, "RF is dead" is surfacing around a lot, and there's a point where I get dragged down with them. It's saddening when the community would not hesitate to declare this game "dead". I'm not going to ever call this game dead, since it's not constructive, and there's always room for improvement


    "your logic is understandable, but its also the reason the playerbase isnt increasing, your opinions seep into the minds of people who read what you type, however wrong/right it may be, and causes those people to not want to recommend this game to people, because people like you are saying how bad it is, when it really isnt a bad game"

    I can't express how much hatred I have towards this comment. I only wanted to discuss about the game, because I'm passionate about the subject. It doesn't mean I'm against Rumble Fighter. I care about Rumble Fighter THIS much, to actually go out of my way to express concern about the game. This is a huge misrepresentation of me, and it is very insulting
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
    tamirtov and LockBanFlag like this.
  18. LockBanFlag

    LockBanFlag Active Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Actually lets do that we should all organize something like that, pinche buey no mames.

    We should raid anime channels like lost pause, anime man etc. This game is somewhat anime inspired so that would be good to attract new players. Literally all of the people I knew in OGP obsessed over anime so there's a plus
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  19. Mockery

    Mockery Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    im really glad to see some one gets it
    you understood my words exactly
  20. Mockery

    Mockery Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    your opinion isnt against the game
    thats not what he means
    your obvious devotion to the game is noticed and appreciated
    but your mind set has rotted far too long on these forums
    seeing people whine about every little thing and seeing "abandon ship all hope is lost" shoved in your face over and over again has done damage
    take a step back and look at the problems as a whole
    if we were to fix all the bugs first
    what then
    how long will it take for nimonix to develope the technical know how and the moxy to do it
    how many years will have passed in the mean team
    and then? we would still be a small community with no real motivation

    i dont know if you were around a while back to see
    some one posted up the net intake that nimonix recieves through runble fighter
    it was about 7 grand monthly
    that was several years ago
    the community has not grown larger since then
    if anything its dwindled further
    i imagine we dont have a few more years to wait on bug fixes
    not to be redundant but "the end IS coming"

    every one reading this should asked themself how much have they contributed to keeping this gem alive

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